Tuesday, February 8, 2011


In honor of one of my favorite long standing fashion go-to blogs, the Sartorialist, who is currently in Seoul-- I decided to share some of my photos and thoughts on Korean fashion. My candid fashion photography doesn't come close to touching the brilliance of the Sartorialist's street fashion photos. This task was actually something I found challenging! I missed out on capturing so many great outfits... in fear that my Korean friends [who were actually strangers passing me on the street] would be offended by a tourist snapping pictures.  But hey, there's always room for improvement right?!

Along with my amateur fashion photography skills... I also don't claim to be highly educated on current [or past] fashion trends. But I do believe that I have an eye and decent know-how on putting together interesting looks [at least for myself]. Earnestly trying to follow the fashion path less taken. Or better yet, trying to not follow any path.  I prefer to absorb dressing habits from my environment and find inspiration from art and new cultures. I was pleasantly surprised to find that Korean fashion was inline with my ideals. Break the rules :: keep it classy :: take yourself as lightly as possible :: express yourself :: love out in the open. 
:the shapes, prints & designs [mirror] the architecture found around the city:

::classic structure, mixed with a loose sensibility, showing off their figure but leaving most to the [imagination]::
korean women and their heels. cant have one without the other-- no terrain too rough [fashion is pain]
seoul[ful] couples in matching clothes. a common practice and symbol of love
a few items I picked up at the k-fashion mart in seoul 
gom bae! [cheers]

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