Monday, June 28, 2010

newYork minute

Despite the fact that I recently relocated to my parents house and am writing this from my childhood bedroom-- and the fact that I do still plan to use my SFSU, CSULB... OCC... (take your pick) Student ID card to enjoy student discounts; I am currently in the stage of life where I am sadly coming to the realization that I will no longer be able to check the "student" box on forms from here on out. The real world is knocking at my door. And don't let the "aloha"sticker that has hung on my door since sixth grade fool you... Im not ready for it to come in! The term "In a New York Minute" has really hit home (no pun intended) in the past few months. Not that this term couldn't be applied to most peoples lives... because as cliche as it really is... time goes by so fast! 
This is the first post of many. A recap of my explorations... and a look into what Im doing to fill the time. Summer is a wonderful time in OC and I hope to fill the summer with more than work work work. 

      I just returned from an amazing month long trip that began in the wonderful city of New York and ended (in tears) in London. A first visit to all cities I encountered... and hopefully not the last!! The sights were breathtaking and the people unforgettable. Some of the highlights of New York were... everything! But it was probably a good thing that I was only in town for six days because the pastries were unreal... I could have easily weighed 180 lbs in a month at the rate I was consuming them.                                                                                       
      During my trip I began reading/finished the book "Eat Pray Love"... I know I finally jumped on the bandwagon... but this book was given to me by my very best friend for my 22 birthday aka during a not-so-wonderful time in my life. I am now so grateful that I waited a year and a half to finally read it, because there is a great possibility I would have moved to Italy and never finished school or hopped on plane to India to meditate for a year. In a way the book ironically mirrored small and large parts of my life over the past two years... though my title would probably be something like "Drink Drink Sleep" or "Drink Dance Sleep" and with my last trip maybe "Eat Eat Love" or "Eat Drink Love". But moral of the story is that life has a funny way of working itself out- Love can be found after times of sadness and where even the thought of it seems impossible. Not just for a man/woman, but LOVE for yourself, your family, friends and the blessed life you lead. Amazing book! If you're one of the few left who haven't read the book... do yourself a favor (before the Julia Roberts movie comes out) and read it. 
      The first week in London I was again faced with the cold reality of how quickly time passes. I had to slap myself because I found that I was already depressed about leaving on the second day of my trip.  I tend to do silly things like this. It was my first trip abroad and my eyes were wide open... I honestly couldn't get enough. I found myself fighting the time- begging for the power to freeze time... or at least slow it down. For more reasons than scenery, but that is another story for another time. 

-cultivate gratitude-
-enjoy YOUR life- 
 -be present-