Ahhh Sunday… the day known for being the dreadful day before Monday—the day that 9-to-5’ers hear the workweek calling them loudly away from the restful/playful activities of the weekend. Even though I am a pseudo member of that group, I find that I [absolutely] love Sunday's! This is a day I’ve dedicated to activities that I really enjoy [and] chores that I don’t particularly care for. It’s much easier to get through a nasty chore when you also treat yourself to a more enjoyable activity as well. The counterbalance has proven to be quite successful and productive!
Come on…[No]one wants to scrub what seems like years worth of spilled meals off your stove. But with Pandora playing tunes of encouragement… you roll up your sleeves and take on the black crust [head on] with my tool of choice in hand-- a trusty mr. clean magic eraser. This was my big chore for this weekend. Tackling the kitchen—a place where I spend a lot of time dirtying. But before I scrubbed the kitchen to a sparking masterpiece…I decided to dirty it up one more time! To make a delicious meal my wonderfully handsome boyfriend [jake] and myself for our Sunday date night.
The key ingredients for my Sunday dinner came from my latest stop to Trader’s [Trader Joe’s]… a place that I frequent multiple times a week. Eggplant, panco breadcrumbs, fresh parmesan/asiago cheese… and bananas? Yes an odd mix but I like to think of it as my Sunday mash[up]! I can’t stand when fresh fruit or veggies go to waste… so I always try to find a way to incorporate items that are loosing their shelf life into my meal. And this meal was delicious! We devoured the baked eggplant with a side of garlic green beans and a wilted spinach beet salad. For dessert… peanut butter banana cookies! Not bad for what was laying around [in my now clean kitchen].
Happy work week!
[finished product] breaded & baked eggplant
w/fresh parmesan and asiago cheese

from anthropoligie
[finished product] peanut butter banana cookies
topped w/cinnamon

Baked Breaded Eggplant:
Fresh whole Eggplant
Bread crumbs
2 tsp crushed Garlic
Parmesan cheese
Cut eggplant into 1 to 1 ½ inch slices. Crack sea salt over the exposed vegetable and let sit out for min 10 minutes… to release moisture that is stored inside. Dab with paper towel and repeat on opposite side.
Beat egg with garlic. Submerge eggplant into egg mixture and roll in bread crumbs. Place on stove with cooking pan and EVOO. Cook until golden brown on either side. Top with cheese and bake in oven @ 350 for 25-30 minutes. Serve with marinara sauce, or whatever suits your taste buds!
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