Friday, December 31, 2010

champagne wishes [Caviar Dreams]

As this year rapidly comes to an end so SO [so] many things have been running through my mind. First of all, time seems to be playing a funny joke on us all. How is it that time has the ability to shorten days, months and years right in front of our faces? No matter how early that dreadful alarm sounds… I can’t seem to get through each day’s to-do-list before the sun is setting! It was just yesterday [it seems] that I was interrogating 2009—where had all the days disappeared to… where had all the months gone I asked!? Well my friends, it’s almost officially time to say goodbye again…2010 has come and gone in the same fashion as the previous years. Being a true jester, time seems to have laughingly answered my questions by speeding up this year to an even faster pace.

[But thankfully] the past year did not fail to disappoint me in the slightest, even if it went by at warp-speed. The last few months [my overactive] mind has been [on overdrive], and now that 2010 is coming to an end, I forced myself to sit down and spend a just a few moments to reflect over the past 12 months. It dawned on me that I had so SO [so] many reasons to celebrate over the past year. Big and small. But none-the-less many events that called for a celebratory toast [or two]. 
To those of you who know me well, or to those who have been randomly present in a time of celebration-- you know [without a doubt] my celebratory drink of choice. The subtle bubbles that bring a smile [that is anything but subtle] to my face--say hello to the fabulous Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin! Or as I more often call it... simply Veuve. I dedicate this post to any/all of you who have been able to slow down time just enough to recognize life’s unexpected joys and have taken the time to raise a glass in celebration.

So here's to a year that called for so many reasons to celebrate and that offered so SO [so] many opportunities to indulge in all that life has to offer! Cheers 2010... I can only hope this next year finds me as well!  
new years eve [2010]
a treasure left behind
[and a co-worker who knows me very well]
vegas [jackpot]
cheers! post- final [undergrad] final 
ascot [royal enclosure] london
after i picked the winning horse @ascot
[the only bet i placed in 2010]

Thursday, December 23, 2010

rain rain [go away]

It seems that the rain has come and gone [again] in this monumentally cold month of December. Moving this close to the ocean has proven to be quite the chilly experience! In an attempt to stay true to my [internal] eternal optimistic self... I wanted to find the silver lining per se for all these crisp days and colder nights. [And after much moaning and groaning] it hit me during a simple walk on the strand with a few baby puppies. My favorite thing about rain, besides the wonderful pitter[patter] soundtrack that accompanies as you fall asleep, are the post-rain sunsets we experience as the storm moves on for new ground. I might be freezing and damp-- but I think it's all worth it [in the end]. 
[el porto] manhattan beach